Pacific Quick Change are manufacturers of new alloy Quick-Change replacement rear end centres for applications in Model A Fords, and early Ford V8s.
Previously known as Kiwi Quick Change we have more than 18 years’ experience producing Model A and early Ford V8 quick change diff centres. Our Quick-Change centres are still being produced by the same artisans by hand, in the old school style.
Our high quality locally produced centres come ready to install in Ford rear ends in 2 styles: -
1928-1931 Model A, &
1932-1948 V8
These conversions suit passenger car chassis and are available to suit either open or closed drive-lines bolting back into your existing stock Ford rear end assembly.
Our time proven traditional, alloy LM25 heat treated T6 centres come pre-assembled with new bearings, drive shaft, and end cover ready to reinstall your existing crown wheel and pinion centre. This upgrade also allows your original axles to be returned to your early Ford diff axle tubes.
Complete centres are currently in stock, and we do ship worldwide.
Genuinely interested, but do not know what to do next? Contact Pacific Quick Change here>>
You may also likely see our rear ends on display at most of the premium Hot Rod events on the East Coast of Australia soon where you will find our friendly staff can assist you in demonstrating the advantages; and discuss the benefits of a traditional quickie.